Bonding Alucore

Tapes/Velcro tapes

Double-sided tapes (such as the 3M-VHB high capacity jointing systems) can be used for the above applications with low tensile or transversal strength requirements. Velcro tapes are available for detachable joints, for example SCOTCHMATE or tapes marketed under the Dual Lock trademark.

Adhesive sealing compounds

For high-strength and elastic connections we recommend the following one-component adhesive sealing compound: Sika Bond-T2 (polyurethane base). For outdoor use, this adhesive can be used for fastening parts of minor static importance.

Metal adhesives/Universal adhesives

For indoor use, trade fair/exhibition stand structures, machines, etc. most metal or universal a dhesives are suitable.


Please observe the manufacturer’s instructions regarding the application and use of adhesives/tapes. Laminating of ALUCORE® panels to other materials may result in deformation of the laminates (differing expansion/bimetal effect).